Neelan Naidoo

Neelan Naidoo and his mentor, Joseph Buys.

This body of dry point etchings and lino prints represent the embodiment of work which I have progressively produced over the last 5 years (2016-2021) since I was incarcerated at Drakenstein Correctional services in 2016.  I started focusing on developing my skills in dry point etching (acid printing processes obviously not allowed within prison confines) in particular, which all started when I joined the printmaking workshops offered by Marieke Kruger in 2016 at Drakenstein Correctional Services.  Through the different printing processes presented to us, I discovered that I particularly enjoyed the medium of etching which I have focused on and sought to develop and perfect ever since.
My work explores the notion of a “fragmented sense of self” as it relates to my personal experiences inside as well as outside of prison as well as the need for rebuilding a new sense of self and a new identity towards a new life and a renewed sense of “wholeness”/”completeness”.   My body of prints therefore embodies my experiences inside as opposed to outside of prison on a physical, psychological as well as a spiritual level through self portraits taken of myself in various poses and in some cases, partially or completely covered with various materials.  I so doing I have sought to express my particular thoughts and experiences through the use of various materials, metaphors and substances such as spices I used for embossing etc.  My work conveys moments of mixed emotions and days of planning and working towards a full and meaningful life outside prison confines. I also discovered that I was mostly ashamed to be out in society, hence the production of the wrapping prints in particular.  
Concluding, through my involvement in the workshops and doing my etchings, I have discovered many new things of myself – in particular my love and talent for printing and drawing as well as the beneficial value of my art making processes towards the release of stress and frustration with the awareness of an ever increasing longing to become a free man, start a new life and marry the woman I love…
Being incarcerated for a crime I wish I did not commit was not easy. .. During my time of incarceration, my mom passed away and my work helped me to also process many of my personal sufferings during this time until my release in 2020.   After my release from prison, I continued building up my body of work exploring the challenges I face/d in and out or prison in order to stay sane and eventually find a job in to rebuild my life with the woman I love.

Fragmented Self Solo Exhibition

INSIDE PRISON- journal and identity 2016-2020

Vortex of thoughts dry point etching 36x25cm R1950
1 Stone upon stone Dry point etching 25x36cm R1950
R5000 for group of 6
2 Dry point etching R1950
R5000 for group of 6
3 Dry point etching R1950
R5000 for group of 6
4 Dry point etching R1950
R5000 for group of 6
5 Dry point etching R1950
R5000 for group of 6
6 Stone upon stone dry point etching 36x25cm R1950
R5000 for group of 6
Stone upon stone dry point etching 35x26cm 2018 R1950
Set of 7 R6000
Stone upon stone dry point etching 35x26cm 2018 R1950
Set of 7 R6000
Stone upon stone dry point etching 35x26cm 2018 R1950
Set of 7 R6000
Stone upon stone dry point etching 35x26cm 2018 R1950
Set of 7 R6000
Stone upon stone dry point etching 35x26cm 2018 R1950
Set of 7 R6000
Stone upon stone dry point etching 35x26cm 2018 R1950
Set of 7 R6000
Vortex of thought dry point etching 35x26cm 2018 R1950
Set of 7 R6000
Vortex of thought 11 dry point etching chine colé 35x26cm R1950
Vortex of thought 11 dry point etching chine colé 35x26cm R1950
Vortex of thought 1 dry point etching 35x26cm R1950
Taking the punch linocut 1/3 35x26cm R1950
Taking the punch linocut 1/3 35x26cm R2000
Taking the punch linocut 1/3 35x26cm R2000
Self portrait Overthinker linocut 2019 1/2 26x35cm R2200
Self portrait Overthinker linocut 2/2 2019 35x26cm R2200
Self portrait linocut 35x26cm dry point etching 2019 R1950


Transition 1 dry point etching 36x25cm 2/3 R1900
Transition 2 dry point etching 36x25cm 1/3 R1900
Transition 3 35×26 dry point etching 1/3 R1900
New Horizons Dry point etching 1/5 35x26cm R1900
Focused 2 dry point etching 35x26cm R1900
Image of self 1 dry point etching 35x26cm R1300
Image of self 2 dry point etching 36x35cm R1300
Image of self 3 dry point etching 35x26cm R1300
Image of self 3 dry point etching 35x26cm R1300 (red)
Image of self 4 dry point etching 35x26cm R1300
From lock up to lock down dry point etching 35x26cm R1300
Losing sight #3 dry point etching 36x25cm R1300
Losing sight dry point etching 36x25cm R1300
Taking the punch dry point etching 36x25cm R1950 Sold
Hiding 1 dry point etching 36x25cm R2000
Hiding 11 dry point etching 36x25cm R2000
Ongelooflik dry point etching 36x25cm R2000
Why I wonder dry point etching 2/3 36x25cm R2000
Why I wonder dry point etching 2/3 36x25cm R2000 (red)
Voices in my head 1 dry point etching 36x25cm 1/3 R1900
Voices in my head 11 dry point etching 36x25cm 1/3 R1900
Self dry point etching 36x25cm R1900
Freedom dry point etching 25x36cm R1700
Freedom dry point etching 25x36cm R1700
Freedom dry point etching 25x36cm R1700
The hands that took 1 dry point etching 36x25cm R1700
The hands that took 2 dry point etching 36x25cm R1700
The hands that took 3 dry point etching 36x25cm R1700
Blinded dry point etching 36x25cm R1300
Blinded dry point etching 36x25cm R1300
Searching Spaces dry point etching embossed 1/3 55x25cm R2200
Forever thoughts 1/5 dry point etching with embossing 55x25cm R2200 sold
Seedless life 2 dry point etching embossed with seeds 50x25cm R2200
Seedless life dry point etching embossed with seeds 55x25cm R2200
Inner Fear dry point etching with embossing 55x25cm R2200